Well, it's hard to believe but it's been exactly one year since I fell and broke both of my legs! Unfortunately there's nothing exciting, or dramatic to the story of how I "went down" ~ just out walking the dogs ~ but somehow I managed to break both fibula and do some nasty damage to the tendons and muscles in my right foot. After months of Physio therapy, massages, exercise and rest, I'm almost back to normal ~ the Orthopaedic Surgeon said it could take a year and, sure enough, it has!
The whole thing really was the best that it could be - I was laid up for six weeks and my family rallied around and took AMAZING care of me. There's actually an advantage to breaking both legs at once and that is that your bones heal really well because you're forced to rest, immobilized for the whole time (no "hopping around on crutches").

I've found that the further I get away from the "accident" the more traumatic the event seems ~ apparently that's normal because during the healing phase our bodies focus on the task at hand (getting better) and not so much the emotional/ reality side of things. Did I mention that our bodies are incredible healing beings? It was truly a wonder to experience. I took the dogs out past the "fateful spot" today and very carefully watched my footing while silently acknowledging my gratitude for what I've been through... what a difference a year makes!